21:365 – RANT.

I think I have post-newkitty depression. Oh, you’ve never heard of it? It’s quite common. Probably.

Life changes unsettle me, and the sudden and unexpected adoption of a new pet apparently falls into the category of a life change. So blah. I have stress.

Contributing factors:
1) The cat we now have is scared and confused out of his mind, so I’m stressing myself out trying to make him more comfortable.
2) New-kitty, as is his current working title, hisses and growls at Kitty (old-kitty). We’ve kept him in his own room, and so far the only contact the two kitties have had is through a small crack in the door. Everything I’ve read says that some hissing is normal but it makes me feel very anxious, upset, and protective of Kitty.
3) We’re still not in our own place (with 65 days left), we’re sharing a bedroom and bathroom with one cat, and there’s just not enough room in here for two people and two cats. That’s assuming the two cats are comfortable enough with each other within the next 65 days to share a bedroom.
4) This is selfish, but I really wanted my newkitty to be a kitten. I am more than happy to save a grown up cat the way we’ve saved this one; I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if we had not gone back to get him! Also, Kitty was by no means a kitten when I got her. However, I was so looking forward to watching a kitten grow from a ball of fluff into a pretty adult kitty. I think it would be easier, too, to introduce a kitten than a grown, stray, and more aggressive adult cat.
5) God only knows why, but my (for all intents and purposes) “mother-in-law” is insufferable on weekends. All week she’s pleasant and friendly, but come Saturday morning she goes all Mr Hyde on everyone. She’s one part insane and two parts menopausal, and it just makes for an unhappy household in general. And she’s always got a ridiculous reason. Her adult daughter, who has her own family and life, didn’t invite her to go shopping. Her other adult daughter DID invite her to do something. She “has” to do laundry (which she won’t let anyone else do, but always complains about doing). Dealing with this severely bipolar behavior is unbearable for me. I’m sensitive by nature… some might say “a big fat baby” by nature… and what’s happening around me, particularly how other people are acting, has a huge influence on my mood. What makes it harder is that this time last year I was living in my own apartment, doing my own thing, NOT dealing with other people’s mood swings. What makes it harder than that is that if things had gone the way I wanted them to go, I would be in my own apartment right now with Eric and two kitties and enough space for everyone, doing my own thing and NOT dealing with other people’s mood swings. But things are going the way the MIL wanted them to go. Which, obviously, is not enough to make her happy.


So. I don’t know what to do with myself or my kitties. ADVICE?

Today’s Reading: Blue? Pink? Cockapoo? :: A Piene For Your Thoughts – I love this blog.

One response to “21:365 – RANT.

  • Casey

    ahh, you have pegged my mom. You know her so well already! Yeah weekends are rough and she always wants to be with Tab and isn’t a big fan of us and she likes to have things her way! I’m glad you have your way now though!

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